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Links to Supportive & Critical TM Web Sites
trancenet.net offers these links for your information only. trancenet.net its board, editors, staff, and volunteers neither endorse nor support any organization listed here. As time permits, trancenet.net editors review links for content and quality. If you know of a link of interest to trancenet.net readers, please "Submit URL".
[ alternative meditations ] [ con ] [ more links ] [ pro ] [ skeptical ]
- Mike Doughney's extraordinary MINET.ORG, including: TM-EX
and alt.meditation.transcendental archives, Ex-Cult Supportarchives, and more.
Don Kreiger's Home Page
- An important resource for the TM researcher!
Personal stories, book excerpts, amazing ads for TM
enlightenment paraphenalia, and more.
- An always hilarious, and frequently very informative new site on TM, Deepak Chopra, and their apologists who appear on the Usenet. I'll let webmaster Sherilyn explain the title of her site. It's a hoot!
Dr. Andrew Weil on TM
- Well-known author and alternative health proponent, Dr. Andrew Weil answers the question, "Does TM work?", in a remarkably balanced fashion.
Life 102: What to Do
When Your Guru Sues You"
- The entire text of Peter McWilliam's extraordinary
journey through
MSIA -- with a very good chapter on the Maharishi and TM. We can't
recommend this book highly enough for members of all Eastern-style
meditation groups!
Yoga Sutras
- YOGA.COM provides the full text of Patanjali's
seminal work. See if you can find "hopping" mentioned anywhere. Removed from public view by yoga.com.
Languages & Scripts of India
- Mantras, yantras, key classical Indian texts, and
- An eclectic collection of award-winning journalist Andrew Skolnick's science and medical articles -- especially for those interested in tobacco health issues, alternative medicine,
quackery, traditional Chinese medicine, Transcendental Meditation, cults, and pseudoscience.
Chopra and Ayur Veda
- An excellent explanation of the JAMA/Skolnick case,
alleged plagarism, and other capers of America's favorite medical
- Dave Carroll says Transcendental Meditation's claims
exemplify "the universal tendency of the righteous to rationalize
dishonesty when the goal or cause is believed to be Sacred."
The Indian
- Tracks the adventures of Indian "godmen" in
the West.
CSICOP on the
Giggling Guru
- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the
Claims of the Paranormal publishes Skeptical Inquirer magazine,
with articles on Doug Henning and the Maharishi, as well as Ayur Veda.
MIU Professor, and NLP Presidential Candidate, John Hagelin's Ig
Nobel Prize - Unlike the awards won by exemplary scientists, the
Ig Nobel Prizes go to individuals "whose achievements
cannot or should not be reproduced," according to the official
program. A joint production of the "Annals of Improbable
Research" (described by some as the "Mad" magazine of science) and
the M.I.T. Museum, the 1994 Award in Physics was awarded to John
Hagelin "for his experimental conclusion that 4,000 trained
meditators caused an 18 percent decrease in
violent crime in Washington, D.C."
Unreviewed TM Critical Sites
- New Age Lies
- New Age Lies. Definition. The "New Age" Movement (NAM), sometimes also referred to as the "Human Potential Movement", is a loosely connected network of...
- No Title
- A PRIMER ON OCCULT PHILOSOPHY Today the tentacles of occult philosophy embrace every area of our society. Police departments request psychics to solve...
- WIRED 2.06: "The Merry Pranksters Go to Washington" by Joshua Quittner
- Log in or join! The Merry Pranksters Go to Washington. They helped Steve Jackson Games hand the Feds a stinging defeat in court. Their "Open Platform"... [Mitch Kapor, TM & EFF]
- Kundalini Experiences Archive
- K U N D A L I N I - READER EXPERIENCES - ARCHIVE. Hosted By Haakon Rian Ueland. These are archives of some of the reader's responses I've had from the...
- No Title
- A Conversation with Richard Moss. Healer Richard Moss says, "I saw that if people didn't try to just heal the disease but really entered deeply into..
- No Title
- The mini-Annals of Improbable Research ("mini-AIR") Issue Number 1994-07 November, 1994 ISSN 1076-500X Key words: science humor,improbable research,Ig...
- Hinduism Today March 1995
- Hinduism Today, March 1995. Tales of Tribals in Transition. Exploitation of Child Labor Is a Grown Up Problem for India. Nippon Shakti. Building a House,..
- No Title
- F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Incorporated) a non-profit computer bulletin board and electronic library 601 16th St. #C-217...
- Maharishi University of Management, formerly Maharishi
International University, features TM movement-approved overviews of TM,
the sidhis, and other programs. Also links to hundreds of pro-TM research
Natural Law Party
- In the words of Bob Roth, "It's no secret this is the TM party." Can you say "separation of church and state?"
The Meditator's Café
- James Cook presents another, presumably decaf, hangout
for the trademarked path to inner peace -- with a good and revealing set
of quotes by the Maharishi.
Herbert Benson
- Dr. Benson is the Chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine at
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Mind/Body Medical
Institute Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
and the founding president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. Co-author, with MUM's Keith Wallace, of seminal
research on Transcendental Meditation, Dr. Benson later denied that
the results from TM were substantively different from other forms of
meditation. Follow the links to the "Relaxation Response" for a discussion of Dr. Benson's method of meditation.
Dr. Andrew Weil on meditation
- Well-known author and alternative health proponent, Dr. Andrew Weil offers several free versions of meditation and relaxation response.
Noodle's Panic Anxiety
- "Most clinicians will recommend some kind of
practice as a means of controlling the disorder. Visualization,
monitoring of breathing patterns, meditation, yoga, biofeedback,
etc., are typically suggested. Exercise and good
nutrition may also alleviate some symptoms."
The Fitness Partner
- "Your connection to everything fitness, health and
nutrition related on the Web." Meditation, relaxation, aerobics,
sports, and more.
Centering Prayer
- Thomas Keating's "Method of Centering Prayer" is
designed to facilitate the development of contemplative prayer by
preparing one's "faculties to cooperate with this gift." Said to be based
on the teachings of the Desert Fathers, St. John of the Cross, and the
Medieval classic, The Cloud of Unknowing.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Online texts of classic Chistian mystics and spiritual exercises.
Human Development Institute
Institute specialises in Personal Growth and Development programs based
on the Kabbalistic and Hassidic spiritual pathways.
It has pioneered instruction of Kabbala based Meditation as a means of
Stress Management as well as facilitating greater self
awareness and insight.
Avatar Center Services
- Dedicated to providing information about Alternative
Healing, including a good overview of a variety of meditation techniques.
Parallax: Philosophy Page
"I personally feel that it is important to
expand one's horizons so that one may never grow complacent or
bored with life. Expanding one's
horizons also has the precious gift of giving perspective, which is
often a great vehicle for obtaining a
different point of view (a parallax!) so that understanding others
may come easier."
Unreviewed TM Pro
- "OMMMMMM' Is Just Another Sound For Corporate Sanity
- "arial1"OMMMMMM' Is Just Another Sound For Corporate Sanity. By RICHARD ACELLO Daily Transcript Business Writer. April 5, 1995. TQM, once an alien concept,...
- Hinduism Today March 1995
- Hinduism Today, March 1995. Tales of Tribals in Transition. Exploitation of Child Labor Is a Grown Up Problem for India. Nippon Shakti. Building a House,..
Unreviewed Natural Law Party
- Natural Law Party of New Zealand
- Policies, news and contact information for Natural Law Party of New Zealand
- How Government Can Prevent Problems
- How Government Can Prevent Problems. America is suffering from an epidemic of stress-both individual stress and social stress. Stress in the individual...
- No Title
- Surveys Show Widespread Support For Key Natural Law Party Programs. 60% of Canadians polled would like to see the formation of an all-party government, as.
http://www.idirect.com/election/nlp/survey.html - size 1K - 16 Jun 96
Unreviewed TM Miscellaneous
- Hinduism Today
- Covers news stories on TM, the Maharishi, godmen of India, and more.
- The Beach Boys
- The Beach Boys. Main Page - 60's Rock - 70's-90's Pop - Funk - Jazz/Latin - Wilson's Top 20 - Alroy's Top 20 - Say Hi To Wilson - Say Hi To Alroy. Reviews.
- People Behind The Songs
- People Behind The Songs. Dear Prudence. Written by John during the Transcendental Meditation course at the Maharishi's ashram in Rishikesh, India in 1968..
- Mr. Duke
- Bill. Duke. Lese Dunton: Tell me about your work with the homeless. Bill Duke: I try to support homeless organizations that have an agenda that enables...
- 1960s Rock Timeline
- 1960s Rock 'n Roll Timeline. 1960. January. Stu Sutcliffe, a friend of John Lennon's at Liverpool College of Art, joins the group as bass guitarist. The...
Unreviewed Meditation Miscellaneous
- Networks, Sites and Mailing-Lists on Meditation
- Spirit-WWW/Networks: Meditation. Networks, Sites and Mailing-Lists on Meditation. Last update Jun 15 1996. If you like to submit your network, choose this.
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