We have done everything we could think of to make it easy to make a micro-donation to trancenet.net . If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to call 518.432.1795.
trancenet.net Society is not currently a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization under U.S. Law. Your contributions to trancenet.net society may not be tax-deductible. Please check with your tax professional.
| Choose the amount of your "micro-donation," and complete the form below.
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| Print this page using your browser.
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| Optional: E-mail us a notice that your pledge is on the way. Just click on the button below after completing the form.
| 4
| Mail this form, with a check or money order to trancenet.net , to:
trancenet.net 102 South Lake Avenue, Apartment #5
Albany, NY 12208-3350
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