TranceNet: Checking & Initiation
Personal Checking Notes
See Mike Doughney's excellent
minet archives
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First Time Published Anywhere! Three Days Checking Notes are
the outline for the follow-up course to TM instruction. They were
dictated on Teacher Training Course, Phase III (TTCIII) to prospective
initiators. Future initiators essentially memorized the
This text was contributed by an anonymous donor who became a TM
teacher in the 70s. They may differ somewhat from earlier and later
TTCIII courses.
Some general points:
"Three Days Checking Notes"
"Overview & Comments on the Notes"
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"Group Meditation Procedure"
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"Steps of Initiation"
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Children's Initiation
Details on how TM teachers initiated children as young as 3 years old
into the "walking word of wisdom" -- literally verbal japa of
Hindu diety names.
Some court records from Kropinski talk about signs of autistic
behavior among some MIU children.
Also the "German
Study" found that ""....Some children who began
the practice of T.M. at an early age, were diagnosed as having developed autistic behavior."
our knowledge this material has never before been published anywhere.
Children's Initiation
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