READ ME FIRST! Natural Law Party Founder Predicts Imminent Global Biological War!
8/12/96: Bevan and the Maharishi Make New Claims about Coming Global War
Breaking Bulletins on the Maharishi's Bizarre Announcement
Links to MIU/MUM, Natural Law Party, Background Resources
What You Can Do to Avert Another Jonestown
How to Find Out More Information about this Crisis
Where to Send Info on "Maharishi Vedic University Project" Crisis
"So what? He's Done this Before....": Analysis Parallels to Jonestown
Steven Hassan, Author Combatting Cult Mind Control, Founder, Resource Center for Freedom of Mind
Mike Doughney, Founder, minet.org & ex-cult.org
John M. Knapp, Editor, TranceNet
"What's Going On?": Reactions from Around the World
Coming! Background minet.org's Detailed Background of this Crisis
Coming! Timeline of the Crisis
Coming! Timeline of the TM Movement
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"I don't understand what is happening. My ex-wife is a TM teacher. Suddenly she's arranging to sell her house. I'm worried for my kids."