Further Details on MVUP & Global War!
"You must do something about the danger in the U.S. first. If genetic and biological warfare break out, it will be the responsibility of the governors and meditators in the U.S." raged the Maharishi.
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| FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- June 11, 1996 According to Fairfield sources who attended the conference call, the Maharishi's prediction and announcement came as a complete surprise to all TMers. Apparently not a scheduled part of the telephone conference call, the Maharishi began talking about coming biological warfare in response to a question from Bevan Morris, president of Maharishi University of Management, in Fairfield, Iowa. Dr. Morris sought permission for MUM to become affiliated with the Maharishi's latest organization, Maharishi Vedic Universities. Conference attendants say that the Maharishi flew into a rage, blasting first Dr. Morris and then Dr. Keith Wallace, executive vice president of MUM. "You must do something about the danger in the U.S. first. If genetic and biological warfare break out, it will be the responsibility of the governors and meditators in the U.S.," he is reported to have threatened via intercontinental hookup. "Only if teams of governors establish Maharishi Vedic University campuses throughout the Third World can this disaster be averted." He is quoted as saying that the warfare will breakout among industrialized and other countries whose buildings have "southward facing entrances." According to the Maharishi's idiosyncractic interpretation of Ayur Vedic folk medicine, it is forbidden to build homes and buildings with entrances facing south. TM movement facilities, local TM centers, and even the homes of committed TMers have been retrofitted to remove southward entrances in recent years, to comply with the Maharishi's bizarre wishes. The President's Office of MUM has reportedly been working round the clock since the Maharishi's tirade to pull together many groups of 50 to 100 governor couples to travel immediately to Central America and elsewhere. There have been anecdotal reports of committed TMers selling homes, closing their affairs, and taking leaves of abscences from work for the last two weeks. - CONTACT: trancenet.net
- John M. Knapp, Executive Director
518.432.1795 jmknapp53@gmail.com http://www.trancenet.net (C) Copyright 1996, John M. Knapp. All rights reserved.