What You Can Safely Do During this Crisis
"If you know people deeply connected to the TM movement contact them immediately! TMers have been told that this is an apocalyptic, life-or-death situation and to keep all details secret."
 Back to "TranceNet: Emergency Alert"
| FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- June 11, 1996 Help Avert Another Jonestown- Spread the Word
- Distribute this press release to every Usenet group and email address you believe would have a sincere interest. (Please avoid unjustified spamming -- this will make us more enemies than friends on the Net.)
- Gather Information
- Call your local Maharishi Vedic University (TM center) and ask for details about the Maharishi Vedic University Project. Call the President's Office of Maharishi University of Management, 515.472.1187, and ask for information. Email the Natural Law Party at info@natural-law.org and demand an explanation. Also, TranceNet will be posting frequent bulletins during this crisis.
- Send Information to TranceNet
- Whatever verifiable information you gather, send to TranceNet, via email at jmknapp53@gmail.com, via fax at 518.432.1795, via snailmail or courier at TranceNet, 1034 First Street West, Sonoma, CA 95476.
- Call Friends and Loved Ones in the TM Movement
- If you know people deeply connected to the TM movement contact them immediately! TMers have been told that this is an apocalyptic, life-or-death situation and to keep all details secret. But probe with questions about travel plans, vacations, plans to move, sell their homes, or other sudden major life changes. Parents who share custody of their children with a former spouse still involved with the TM movement may want to carefully inquire about their children's whereabouts.
- Contact Your Congresspeople
- Call, write, or fax your Congressperson and demand action. If you don't know how to contact him or her, just point your browser to www.house.gov/mbr_dir/membr_dir.html.
- Contact the Media
- Check with your local paper to see if they're aware of this unfolding story. You may be able to find contact information at www.newshare.com/Newshare/Syndicate/Topics/hometown-usa.html. Give radio and tv stations a shot, too.
- CONTACT: trancenet.net
- John M. Knapp, Executive Director
518.432.1795 jmknapp53@gmail.com http://www.trancenet.net (C) Copyright 1996, John M. Knapp. All rights reserved.