Reaction Pours into TranceNet
"I had a high respect for Maharishi at one time and I'm beginning to think he's lost it. I am not drawing ANY conclusions at this time as I've learned patience through the years. Tell me this prediction is really not true."
 Back to "TranceNet: Emergency Alert"
| The Natural Law Party may be reached for comment on whether they support the Maharishi's prediction of imminent global biological war at To date, their responses have not been terribly enlightening.
X-POP3-Rcpt: jmknapp@mail Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 17:20:22 -0700
From: { }
Subject: What in the world is going on?
Hi. I hope I am reaching John Knapp.
I had recently requested to be removed from the mail list because of what
I really believed that your organization was of a "Christian
fundamentalist" kind and really didn't want to read negative information.
Being a former TMer, I have never experienced all of the adverse effects
that's been described so many times in e-mail. I HAVE experienced the
'separation' caused by TM but I still feel that it's Part of the journey
towards Truth. Being initiated in 71' and then moving onto other avenues
of practice, I had not been aware of this 'cult-like' structure as has
been described in mail...
BUT T O D A Y----The first thing I thought was, "Has Maharishi lost his
mind?". This kind of 'scare' is not in keeping with any true spiritual
traditions that I'm aware of and my intuitive feelings are not in sync
with this doomsday forecast, for whatever my intuitive may be worth.
I will not jump to any conclusions today about Maharishi but I will
keep my eyes open. This is a highly unfortunate situation. Actually, if
it's true, it sucks. What he came here with was good at the time. Why
has he turned this innocent and self-searching teaching into? DAMN!!!
This is something I want to discuss with Ram Dass.
Thanks for listening. Sincerely,{ }
X-POP3-Rcpt: jmknapp@mail
From: { }
To: "'John M. Knapp'"
Subject: Re: Press Release
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 15:19:48 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
John, I guess you're busy after the press release. Following your
request to
inform the media about TM events, I sent a copy of your PR to the St
Louis Post Dispatch,
whom I have submitted numerous editorial letters to in the past.
It is good that this info be gotten out so that public awareness can
prevent the org from some really extreme behaviors.
And I thought the TM org was only mildly offensive during my time involved.
Later, { }
X-POP3-Rcpt: jmknapp@mail
Date: 12 Jun 96 15:36:49 -0700
From: "Bill Eberwein"
Subject: Re: Natural Law inanity
"TM is a simple, innocent techique..."
I am happy to see Mr. Knapp and company continuing to publish some of the
inside scoop on the TM movement. Actually, most of what they are making
available is not "insider" material, but information that is publicly
available, but denied, covered up, or censored by the TM organizations.
of these are public record, for example, from old Maharishi writings, or
-The origin of the mantras as names of Hindu gods
-What the mantras are, and how they are chosen by "initiates" age
-The structure of Maharishi's empire and business holdings
-The nature of the advanced courses
-The cosmology of the Maharishi 'religion' as told to TM teachers and
-Legal proceedings declaring TM to be religious
-Legal proceedings and losses against Maharishi, TM, etc.
-The failure of the flying programs to produce results
-The reasons many former leaders have abandoned Maharishi (Chopra, et.
-Scientific studies that fail to replicate, and/or refute the TM claims
-Scientific studies that duplicate benefits without resort to TM
My own complaint is that TM is deceptive in its claims to NOT be
Were it to present itself as a religion, then the public (and those still
trapped within the TM organization and teaching) could make a decision to
either worship God as taught by their own tradition, or trade it in for
the "I
am God, Maharishi is Master" religion of Maharishi. Instead, the Public
Relations wing of TM claims that the mantras are not names of God. When
confronted with the early writings of Maharishi, and disclosures that the
"advanced techniques" are additions to the mantras meaning, "Oh Holy...I
down" the organization then withdraws, or claims it is a mythological and
symbolic meaning.
The further studies that indicate that long term practice of long periods
meditation might actually be dangerous also warrant further study. Many
practicioners have reported depression, withdrawal, lethargy, attention
deficit problems as a result of their lengthy meditations.
TM is neither simple, nor innocent. And it is not a technique, but a
structured belief system and lifestyle that is antithetical to
Judaism, and Islam (and perhaps others), and possibly disruptive to
and happiness in Western culture.
Let the buyer (for the program is very pricey) beware.
William W. Eberwein
X-POP3-Rcpt: jmknapp@mail
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 16:02:13 -0700
From: Bob Watson
Organization: OMWORKS, INC.
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: [Fwd: RE>Doomsday? What's going on?]
Hi John.
I thought I'd write to hear from the other side {}
and this was the response I received. Intresting, don't you think?
Bob Watson
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Date: 12 Jun 96 15:18:02 +0000
From: information requests
Subject: RE>Doomsday? What's going on?
To: Bob Watson
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>From David, NLP Volunteer.
Date: 6/12/96 10:54 AM
To: information requests
From: Bob Watson
In all fairness, I wanted to ask before I reach and unfortunate
conclusion. I am dismayed at the recent prediction of Maharishi
regarding a biological war within "weeks".
Guess what. I am quite
intuitive, primarily brought on with my initation into TM in 71'. After
practicing meditations from all traditions, I found no problems with TM>
Having paying attention to for some time(mostly with
This is where your problem may lie.
today I'm awed at this outrageous statement. 25 years ago,
if there had been an organization connected with Maharishi involving a
'New World Order', I'd have been one of the first to join.
Would I vote for someone who is associated with this recent kind of
false information? NO. Please reply and ease my mind---tell me that this
is really bull...I had a high respect for Maharishi at one time and I'm
beginning to think he's lost it. I am not drawing ANY conclusions at
this time as I've learned patience through the years. Tell me this
prediction is really not true.
Sincerely, Bob Watson
X-POP3-Rcpt: jmknapp@mail
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 96 14:08:06 -0700
From: { }
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Global Biological Warfare
Please put me on any list you have of email addresses wishing updates on
the threat of Global Biological Warfare recently announced.
Thanks. I emailed MUM and have not yet received a reply.
{ }
- John M. Knapp, Executive Director
518.432.1795 (C) Copyright 1996, John M. Knapp. All rights reserved.