10. "Did you feel some quietness, some silence?" - Use the words "quietness" and "silence" to be sure that he is quite sure about the meaning.
- If he says "yes" go to point #11.
- If he says "no" go to point #8 .
- If again he says "no," say the following:
"What did you feel anything?" - If he says "yes" (if he indicates he has some physical sensations) go to point 10A.
- If he has no physical sensations and yet no quietness go to point 10C .
10A. " All right, let's close our eyes again, easily." (one minute) " Slowly open the eyes." (5 seconds) "What did you feel?" - In most cases his answer will indicate that the sensation or disturbance has diminished.
- If not (i.e. the physical sensation continues to dominate or has even increased) go to 10B.
- If so, ask:
"Did you feel some quietness, some easiness?" - If he says "yes" go to pt #11.
- If he says "no" but no physical sensation go to pt #10C.
10B. "All right, let's close our eyes and continue to feel it easily." (2 minutes) - (if 10B is repeated again, use 3-minute intervals)
"Slowly open the eyes." (10 seconds) " How does it feel now, easier?" - If he says "no" go to pt #10B .
- If he says "yes" then say:
"Did you feel some quietness, some silence?" - If he says "yes" go to pt #11 .
- If he says "no" go to point #10C.
- If his answer indicates that there is no physical sensation yet he doesn't feel any quietness, ask him:
10C. Did you have any thoughts?" - If he says "no" go to pt #8.
- If he says "yes" then say:
"Is it due to thoughts that you don't feel some quietness when you close your eyes?" - He will naturally say:
"Yes." - (If he should say "no" go to pt. #8).
- Then we say:
"Did you notice how spontaneously, how effortlessly thoughts come?" - If he says "yes" go to point #20.
- If he says "no" or he hesitates to say "yes" or is doubtful whether he has experienced thoughts coming effortlessly, say:
"All right, close the eyes again, just sitting easily." (one and one-half minutes -- then go to point #18).
11. " Did you have some thoughts in that quietness?" - If he says "yes" go to point number 15.
- If he says "no" go to point number 12.
12. " All right, close the eyes, sit easily." (one minute)
13. "Slowly open the eyes."
(5 seconds)
14. " Did you have some thoughts in that quietness?" - If he says "yes" go to point #15.
- If he says "no" go to point #12.
15. " Fine, you felt thoughts come in the quietness." - We want to establish in his mind that he had a thought; he must understand that intellectually. We give an expression to his experience.
16. " Did you notice that a thought comes effortlessly, spontaneously?" - If he says "yes" got to point number 20.
- If he says "no" go to point number 17.
17. " All right, close the eyes again, just sit easily." (one minute)
18. "Slowly open the eyes." (5 seconds)
19. " Did you notice that thoughts come without effort?" - If he says "yes" go to point number 20.
- If he says "no" go to point number 17.
20. "This is how effortlessly we should think the mantra. Now this time, when we close our eyes, sit easily and after about half a minute, begin to think the mantra in that same effortless way we think any other thoughts. All right, let's close our eyes." (3-4 minutes)
21. "Slowly open the eyes." (5-10 seconds)
22. "It is easy?" - If he says "yes" go to point number 27.
- If he says "no" go to point number 23.
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