"'Soma and the Gods"
Taken from testimony in
the Kropinski trial, for many years copies of this tape were not even allowed to enter the continental US. Much like the Church of Scientology's OT materials, "Soma
and the Gods" lays out the Maharishi's freakish theology in a way that the
public is not deemed "ready" for by the Maharishi and the movement: a sort of parasitic relationship
between TMers and the Vedic Gods.
"Soma and the Gods"
What Does Hagelin Mean When He Says natural law?
The concept of natural law literally refers to the "Laws of Manu," the smriti or Vedic law to which every TM teacher must swear
allegiance. With strict rules to maintain the caste system, strictures on abortion, and a definite opinion on woman's place in the world, here are a few highlights from your future -- if the Natural Law Party assumes power:
"The Laws of Manu: The Maharishi's 'Natural Law'"
Whose Puja Is It, Anyway?
Most TMers, even TM teachers, believe that the initiation ceremony was written by the Maharishi himself -- or perhaps it has been passed down for generations. Tain't so. The Maharishi appears to have cobbled together scraps of Sanskrit poetry to create a "Hindoo ceremony" to wow the Western crowd. We include the true sources of the puja, with links to Sanskrit resources you can check out yourself.
"Who's Puja Is It, Anyway?"
TM Dissociation Case History
Expert testimony from the Kropinski trial reveals details of a long-term TMer syndrome that may be familiar to many readers!
"TM Dissociation Case History" |
Chopra's NEW! Mantras
Deepak Chopra wasted little time in staking out a clear marketing position, different from his old Master, the Maharishi. Clearly based on Transcendental Meditation, he claims the mantras he teaches in "Primordial Sound Meditation" are more precise than the Maharishi's. Have we been meditating with the wrong mantras all these years?
"Improving on Infinity" [being updated]
Beatles! Beatles! Beatles!
Try as he might, the Maharishi can't shake his most famous pupils. In this incredibly well-researched article, author Greg Panfile's "Inner Lite: The Beatles and the Maharishi, 1967-68" opines that the Fab Four's brush with the Maharishi "dealt a hammer blow to the international pedestal they had occupied
almost uninterruptedly for four years. They would never be exactly the same
"Inner Lite: The Beatles and the Maharishi, 1967-68"
TM Ineffective in Prisons
Turns out that TM is affecting elections in ways beyond the Natural Law Party. In Massachusetts, the gubernatorial election may turn on US Sen. John F. Kerry's accusation that Gov. William F. Weld squandered nearly
$900,000 in federal funds on TM programs for prisoners. According to the Boston Herald, TM was found not to promote any measurable
benefits.Gov. Weld issued an apology to the state tax payers and promised that no tax
money will be spent on such foolish programs again.
"TM a Laff-Riot in Massachusetts Prisons 1" [being overhauled]
Critical Thinking after TM
Author Jennie Bergemann talks about regaining an objective perspective after decades of "magical thinking" in the TM movement. "As a former member of the TM Movement, I've wondered how I could have come to believe so many bizarre things. I've been concerned
that some of the conditioning was so effective that I still may
be thinking like a TMer, without realizing it." Based on a university course taught by Prof. Barry Markovsky.
"Cults and Paranormal Beliefs: Perspective of an Ex-TMer"
Stories: Knapp, Anon4
trancenet.net director John M. Knapp finally begins to tell his story. The heartbreaking "Anon4" is told by Psychiatrist Gary Glass -- with implications for all long-term TMers.
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