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Catherine Dziuba, Esq.
17310 Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Telephone 510-459-2258 Fax 310-459-8146
February 14, 1995
I received your letter dated November 17, 1994 requesting copies of all contracts that you signed with Maharishi Foundation, Ltd. In response to your inquiry, please be advised that you signed two contracts with Licensees of Maharishi Foundation, Ltd. These Licensees were authorized to administer the courses you attended. The contract that you signed at the time of your Teacher Training Course was with SIMS (Students International Meditation Society). The contract that you signed on your Governor Training Course was with the International Association for the Advancement of the Science of Creative Intelligence (the "Association").
Further, my clients, Maharishi Foundation, Ltd. and WPEC, have not agreed to release copies of the contracts at this time. However, they have directed that relevant portions of the contracts be quoted for you. This letter will serve to fulfill this purpose as follows.
The contract with SIMS dated May 8, 1973 states in part:
It is my privilege, Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles and Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee of SIMS which accepts me as such; that I will always hold the teaching in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and SIMS; that I will never use the teaching except as a teacher in SIMS or other organisations founded by you for the purpose of carrying on your work of spreading Transcendental Meditation for the good of Mankind: that as a teacher in SIMS I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed between myself and SIMS in writing and, except as agreed in writing I expect to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by the love and joy that I receive from the work, by the alleviation of suffering that I mav accomplish, and by the Wisdom that I obtain, expound, and cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior to receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system of Teaching; that there is no other available source where the knowledge of such teaching may be obtained; that such teaching has been imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is secret and unique. I further recognise that as a Meditation Guide and Initiator I am a link in the chain of organisations that you have founded; and that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement, you have laid down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in SIMS or other organisations founded by you for the purpose of teaching Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate process from using this secret Teaching of Transcendental Meditation imparted to me. It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I promise on your alter[sic], Guru Dev, that with all my heart and mind I will always work within the framework of the Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me.
The contract with the Association dated October, 1979 states in part:
The Course Participant agrees to keep private, for himself or herself, the confidential aspects of the Teachings of the TM technique and all the Teachings told or given to the Course Participant at the Course or any prior TM Teacher Training or Advanced Course whether oral, written, electronic, or otherwise, including any and all written notes, memoranda, or recordings of any nature taken or made by the Course Participant all in accordance with the Procedures or Policies ("Procedures or Policies") of the Association and its National affiliates in the country or countries where the Course Participant is or shall be teaching, residing, or located.
In addition, the Teachings, and the confidential aspects of the TM technique told or given to the Course Participant at any prior TM Teacher Training or Advanced Training Courses, are known and agreed by the Course Participant to be of a special, unique, unusual, extraordinary, and intellectually valuable character which gives them a value, the loss of which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated in damages in an action at law.
In the event the Course Participant shall at any time divulge, in any way, or indicate the intention to divulge the Teachings, or any other confidential information received at earlier courses, to any person or organization, privately or publicly through publication. lectures, the public media or othervise, in violation of the Procedures and Policies, or in the event the Association or its National affiliates shall have reasonable grounds to believe that the Course Participant may attempt to divulge the Teachings or other confidential information in violation of the Procedures or Policies, then in addition to any other rights or remedies, the Association and its National affiiiates shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach of this Agreement.
The Association shall have the right, without the consent of the Course Participant, to transfer its rights and obligations hereunder to any other person or organization.
These contract excerpts directly relate to the issues raised by the letter that I sent to you dated November 15, 1994. My clients are still waiting for your response to that letter. Because of your request for information, no further action has yet been taken. However, my clients have every intention of protecting their legal rights concerning this matter, and their position remains as stated in the November 15 letter. Therefore, if you wish to avoid legal proceedings, you must respond to the points raised in the November 15 letter within ten days from the date of this letter. A copy of the November 15 letter is enclosed for your convenience.
Very truly yours,
Catherine Dziuba
Attorney at Law
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