The "Science of Creative Intelligence" as a course of study had its genesis in 1972 when "Maharishi, in conjunction with experts in education and science, developed a structure of teaching which was labeled the Science of Creative Intelligence." Jarvis Deposition at 913. As stated above, the "Science of Creative Intelligence" posits that during the practice of Transcendental Meditation the meditator's mind moves from a conscious thought to the source of thought, where the mind comes in contact with the unmanifest and unbounded field of pure creative intelligence, T at 29,5 which is present, among other places, within every human being. T at 26. Defendants state that attainment of contact with the field of pure creative intelligence places the meditator in a "fourth state of consciousness" known as "restful alertness" or "transcendental consciousness." T at 30. The textbook states that during TM the meditator experiences the field of pure creative intelligence directly. T at 29. Contact with the field of pure creative intelligence infuses the meditator's mind both with creativity, T at 26, and with "all the qualities of creative intelligence," T at 38, clarifies and strengthens the meditator's thoughts, T at 32, expands the meditator's perceptions, T at 30, and "refines" the meditator's nervous system, Jarvis Deposition at 866a. Regular practice of TM will "refine" the meditator's nervous system further so that the expanded perceptions experienced during TM will carry over into the meditator's conscious thoughts and activities. T at 38, 86. Regular practice of TM may lead the meditator to the situation in which the meditator's mind is infused with the "expanded awareness" and perceptions that he experiences while meditating during waking, sleeping, and dreaming; this state is called "cosmic consciousness," or "the fifth state of consciousness." T at 86. See Jarvis Deposition at 866b.6
The textbook states that "[t]he field of pure creative intelligence is the home of all qualities that constitute the universe," T at 292; "all the qualities of which we can conceive are present in the unmanifest field of pure creative intelligence," T at 40. The field of pure creative intelligence also is the source of thought, T at 26, and "a field of unlimited energy, intelligence and happiness," T at 56. The field of pure creative intelligence also is "unbounded," T at 24, and "an inexhaustible reservoir of energy and intelligence, the fountainhead of all currents of creative intelligence," T at 26. The textbook defines "creative intelligence" as "that impelling force which continually gives rise to new expressions of life and order, progressive and evolutionary in nature." T at 20. Thus creative intelligence is a force which springs from the field of pure creative intelligence, e.g., T at 26, which is the source of everything in the universe, e.g., T at 26, 40, 260.
Creative intelligence, like the unbounded field of pure creative intelligence, possesses all the qualities that can be conceived of: "Every quality that is ever expressed in creation is the expression of creative intelligence." T at 40. The textbook specifically lists and discusses fifty "qualities of creative intelligence." "The qualities of creative intelligence can be seen as currents of consciousness arising from the field of pure consciousness, the field of pure creative intelligence." T at 40. The unbounded field of pure creative intelligence is unmanifest and silent. E.g., T at 29, 40. Creative intelligence ranges from the unmanifest field of pure creative intelligence to its manifestations in the universe. T at 22. Manifestations of creative intelligence include everything. "From the individual to the universe, all that we see is the display of creative intelligence." T at 240. The textbook devotes 225 pages to the discussion of fifty specific "qualities of creative intelligence." The textbook states that "[w]hen the conscious mind reaches the field of pure creative intelligence, it becomes saturated with all qualities of creative intelligence...." T at 38. The fifty qualities of creative intelligence which are discussed in the textbook are progress, evolution, purposefulness, intelligence, order, beauty, precision, truth, dynamism, rest, stability, adaptability, gentleness, strength, efficiency, kindness, independence, helpfulness, vigilance, resourcefulness, spontaneity, analysis, synthesis, decisiveness, sweetness, universality, harmony, diversity, joy or happiness, life or liveliness, insight, foresight, thoughtfulness, specificity, expansiveness, courage, generosity, economy, love, justice, cleanliness, purity, freedom, responsibility, creativity, eternity, practicality, success, holism, and fulfillment. The textbook states that during meditation, the meditator's mind
becomes saturated with all qualities of creative intelligence, and then, in whatever area of living these qualities are needed, they express themselves more. That is why when a man meditates, he becomes more efficient in every field of thinking and decision-making, more capable in any undertaking he may choose. Wherever he puts his attention, he begins to display more expressed values of creative intelligence.
One point that should be emphasized is that the qualities of creative intelligence develop very naturally and spontaneously through regular contact with the field of pure creative intelligence.
We should never try to exhibit qualities of creative intelligence, because their expression must be spontaneous. Every breath of life is spontaneously under the control of creative intelligence, and therefore any trying from our side can only result in stress and strain. Life must be lived very spontaneously, very naturally. We experience in our meditation how very naturally the mind arrives at the goal of all progress, unbounded awareness. We know from our experience how the slightest effort on our part not only stops progress but produces stress. Therefore, we should never try to imitate any quality of creative intelligence. We simply meditate and allow all the qualities of creative intelligence to be displayed spontaneously in our thinking and action.
T at 38. The textbook thus states that a person attains the qualities of creative intelligence, e.g., truthfulness, efficiency, freedom, through regular contact with the field of pure creative intelligence during the practice of Transcendental Meditation. The process is automatic: "We simply meditate and allow all the qualities of creative intelligence to be displayed spontaneously in our thinking and action." Statements of the automatic nature of the process of infusing an individual with all the qualities of creative intelligence through Transcendental Meditation appear throughout the textbook. E.g., T at 49, 260.
The textbook states that Transcendental Meditation is not only the automatic means of attaining all the qualities of creative intelligence, but also is the exclusive manner of obtaining all the qualities of creative intelligence. See T at 94, 132, 217, 262. In this connection, the above-quoted passage states that "[w]e should never try to exhibit qualities of creative intelligence, because their expression must be spontaneous." Since these qualities must be expressed spontaneously and since spontaneous expression of these qualities is developed only through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, it follows that "we should never try to imitate any quality of creative intelligence." The textbook thus appears to indicate that a person should never consciously strive to be kind, truthful, brave, independent, successful, etc. Rather, "[w]e simply meditate and allow all the qualities of creative intelligence to be displayed spontaneously in our thinking and action."7 T at 38.
The textbook states that the field of pure creative intelligence is the source of everything. For example, the textbook states that the field of pure creative intelligence "is the very source of life-energy, the reservoir of wisdom, the origin of all power in nature, and the fountainhead of all success in the world." T at 98. The textbook states that the field of pure creative intelligence "is the home of all qualities that we can conceive of in the fields of knowledge and action, existence and evolution." T at 260. "The field of pure creative intelligence is the home of all qualities that constitute the universe." T at 292. "[E]verything in creation is nothing other than the expression of unmanifest creative intelligence." T at 260. "[E]very quality that is ever expressed in creation is the expression of creative intelligence." T at 40. "[A]ll aspects of life [are] all manifestations of unmanifest creative intelligence." T at 262. "The entire field of life, from the individual to the cosmos, is nothing but the expression of never-changing pure creative intelligence in the relative ever-changing expressions of life." T at 92. The field of pure creative intelligence "is at the basis of the 'comprehensive, orderly integrity of the universe.'" T at 174, quoting from a speech given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1971. The textbook is replete with statements that pure creative intelligence is "the basis of life" or "at the basis of life." E.g. T at 78, 107, 129, 188, 242, 245, 260, 264, 271. For example, the textbook states that the field of pure creative intelligence is "the universal basis of life." T at 188 & 129. The textbook also indicates that pure creative intelligence is "the source, course, and goal of ail existence." T at 171. The citations to the textbook listed above by no means form an exhaustive list of statements attributing the source of everything to the field of pure creative intelligence. Among other qualities specifically mentioned as having their source in the field of pure creative intelligence are thought, e.g., T at 26, 30, 62, 162, 242, activity, T at 32, 102, 192, feelings, T at 102, and "all cultural traditions and values," T at 245. This list also is not exhaustive of the specific qualities which the textbook states have their source in the field of pure creative intelligence.
Defendant Jarvis, president of World Plan Executive Council--United States, agreed in deposition testimony that pure creative intelligence is the source of all creation,8 but stated that "[i]t is the source in that it is the ultimate constituent." Jarvis Deposition at 1050. Defendant Jarvis thus attributed a passive role to the entity of "level of life," Jarvis Deposition at 1019, called pure creative intelligence.9 As stated in the textbook and reiterated by defendant Jarvis, the field of pure creative intelligence is the source of creative intelligence, which possesses all the qualities of pure creative intelligence. E.g., T at 40; Jarvis Deposition at 1036. Creative intelligence is the "impelling life force," T at 86, which expresses all the qualities in the universe, which are contained in the field of pure creative intelligence. Creative intelligence ranges from its source in the unmanifest field of creative intelligence to activity in all manifest aspects of life. See T at 20. Creative intelligence is coextensive with the field of pure creative intelligence in the sense that both the field of pure creative intelligence and creative intelligence contain "all the qualities of which we can conceive." T at 260. Creative intelligence manifests itself in all aspects of the universe while the field of pure creative intelligence remains always unmanifest, at the core of everything in the universe. T at 292. Creative intelligence thus can be seen as an active extension or projection of the field of pure creative intelligence.
While the field of pure creative intelligence is described as silent, nonchanging, and immovable, the textbook describes creative intelligence as perpetually active in all aspects of the universe. In scores of places, the textbook ascribes activity to creative intelligence, and to qualities of creative intelligence. Identifying creative intelligence as "this impelling life force," T at 86, the textbook later states that creative intelligence "guides and sustains every aspect of the universe." T at 174. The textbook asserts that "the activity of nature is conducted by creative intelligence." T at 114. "Every breath of life is spontaneously under the control of creative intelligence...." T at 38. "Creative intelligence is always giving an evolutionary direction to our thoughts, feelings, and actions." T at 52. "Creative intelligence is always gracefully arranging the parts of our life to form a pleasing whole." T at 62. "We discover that the creative intelligence that structures the blueprint of life in our genes also regulates the movements of the far-distant galaxies and inspires a musician to give expression to the fullness of life." T at 171. The textbook refers to the "activating power of creative intelligence," T at 60, 65, to the "inherent activity" of creative intelligence, T at 82, and to the "endless creative activity of creative intelligence," T at 240, and states that creative intelligence "perpetually creates." T at 242. "Creative intelligence is always acting, ever vigilant to unfold its unbounded resources in every particle of existence." T at 126. See, e.g., T at 110, 128.
"Creative intelligence has structured the body in a manner that allows unbounded awareness to display its full value and enjoy the play of life." T at 224. "It is the love of a mother for her children that inspires her to greatness. Creative intelligence instills unbounded love in her, and this spontaneously generates the limitless creativity and energy needed for all her activities." T at 270. "Creative intelligence is comforting. It provides a family to soothe and nourish us." T at 274. "Creative intelligence is life-supporting. It creates a society that strengthens and upholds the fullness of life in each of its members." T at 282."10
In addition to the ascription of activity to creative intelligence,
anthropomorphism pervades the textbook's description of creative
intelligence. Twenty-five of the textbook's thirty-two lessons begin with
the assertion that creative intelligence possesses certain qualities. For
"[c]reative intelligence is thoughtful and spontaneous," T at 160,
"[c]reative intelligence is loving and just," T at 214,
"[c]reative intelligence is decisive and sweet," T at 178,
"[c]reative intelligence is precise and truthful," T at 72,
"[c]reative intelligence is independent and helpful," T at 250.
While all the qualities attributed to creative intelligence by the
textbook are not exclusively human characteristics, some of them are. For
example, neither an animal nor a plant nor an inorganic element nor a law
of nature could be said to be thoughtful, just, and truthful. The
textbook also anthropomorphizes creative intelligence in many other
statements. For example, the textbook states that "[e]ven when we
are asleep, creative intelligence is awake, working to refresh us."
T at 128.
Among the other characteristics of creative intelligence is omnipotence. In addition to stating repeatedly that "everything in creation is nothing other than the expression of unmanifest creative intelligence," T at 260, see, e.g., T at 92, the textbook states that the field of pure creative intelligence is "the origin of all power in nature," T at 98, and that "the activity of nature is conducted by creative intelligence." T at 114. The textbook speaks of "the unlimited power of creative intelligence." T at 108. On the same page, the textbook states that creative intelligence accomplishes all great things with no effort." Id. A few pages later, the textbook states that "creative intelligence is able to accomplish everything effortlessly by remaining behind the scenes of relative life." T at 118. The textbook states that creative intelligence is self-sufficient and self-illuminating. T at 122, 118. Although self-sufficiency and self-illumination are not necessarily aspects of omnipotence, the context of ultimateness and universality in which the textbook speaks of creative intelligence--"universal existence," T at 292--eliminates all possible conclusions except that the self-sufficiency and self-illumination of creative intelligence is absolute and all-encompassing.
The textbook refers to the field of pure creative intelligence as "the universal basis of all knowledge," T at 184, "the home of all knowledge," T at 149, 189, and "the stable basis of all knowledge." T at 97. The textbook asserts that creative intelligence "uphold[s] all the different fields of knowledge and every expression of life." T at 172. The textbook states that the activity of nature is conducted by creative intelligence, by that comprehensive, unbounded intelligence, by that enormous computer which takes into account all possible avenues in designing a single channel of action. Because every activity of nature is taken into account and is guided by creative intelligence, nature takes the shortest course." T at 114. It is true, as pointed out by defendants' counsel at oral argument, that a mundane computer is not omniscient because it contains only that data which has been fed into it. A self-activating computer which is "the home of all knowledge," however, is omniscient by definition. The textbook also asserts that the field of pure creative intelligence is "the reservoir of wisdom." T at 98 (emphasis supplied).
Creative intelligence is omnipresent, according to the textbook. Attestations of the omnipresence of creative intelligence appear scores of times throughout the textbook. For example, in "Lesson l" the textbook states that "creative intelligence is present everywhere, within us as well as outside us." T at 23. In the central section of the textbook appears the following passage:
T at 186. Four pages from the end of the textbook, the book states that "creative intelligence is present everywhere, deep within everything as well as on the surface." T at 292.Creative intelligence is universal and specific.
It is present in all forms, words, smells, tastes, and objects of touch. In all objects of experience, in all senses of perception and organs of action, in every phenomenon, in the doer and the work done, in all directions--north. south, east, and west--in all times--past, present, and future--it is uniformly present. In front of man, behind him, to the left and right of him, in him--everywhere, and under all circumstances, creative intelligence is permeating everything."
Creative intelligence is eternal, according to the textbook. The textbook states that the field of creative intelligence "has existed for all times. It is, always has been, and always will be the nonchanging basis of life, the fountainhead of all currents of creativity." T at 242. The textbook asserts that creative intelligence has existed "in all times--past, present, and future...." T at 186. The textbook asserts:
From the individual to the universe, all that we see is the display of creative intelligence. It is an all-time reality; it goes on and on. And because it is creative, it keeps on creating. In its perpetual play the creation goes on, on the steps of progress. There is no end to it.T at 240.
5 The letter "T" in the citations represents the textbook used in the New Jersey high schools. "Science of Creative Intelligence for Secondary Education: First Year Course." [ back ]
6 The practice of TM by a person who has attained cosmic consciousness may lead to further refinement of his nervous system and increased faculties of perception until a state called unity consciousness is reached. If a person through the practice of TM, develops his faculties of perception to their full potential and attains the highest level of refinement of his nervous system, the person is said to have attained the highest form of consciousness, which is called interchangeably either God consciousness or Brahman consciousness. Jarvis Deposition at 866b & 866e-f; Aaron Deposition at 650-57. Defendant Aaron, a SCI/TM teacher at two of the New Jersev high schools, stated at deposition that she did not mention unity consciousness or Brahman or God consciousness to her classes. Aaron Deposition at 660. [ back ]
7 The practice of Transcendental Meditation automatically bestows upon a practitioner the ability to tell what is right from what is wrong:
A more and more exact sense of judgment between right and wrong comes naturally as one's consciousness grows, but when consciousness is highest and creative intelligence is infused into the nature of one's mind to the fullest extent, the mind knows without doubt what is right and wrong. By natural inclination and natural taste, wrong actions and wrong thoughts are not even considered. So the real art of performing right action is in having a mind that is right at all times. To be right, the mind has to be in that state of lasting contentment and purity which alone belongs to the state of cosmic consciousness.
T at 180. The textbook states that the laws and traditions of one's culture and religion provide guidelines "to proper modes of thinking and behavior" prior to the attainment of cosmic consciousness. T at 180-81. Once a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation achieves cosmic consciousness, however, mundane moral codes apparently are superfluous. See id. [ back ]
8 Defendant Jarvis also acknowledged that pure creative intelligence is the source of religion, philosophy, and knowledge. Jarvis Deposition at 1019. [ back ]
9 Defendant Jarvis apparently was referring to only the field of pure creative intelligence in the quoted sentence. While the field of pure creative intelligence remains unmanifest and silent, according to the textbook, no such passivity is attributed to creative intelligence by the textbook. As noted in footnote 2, supra, the court is regarding the field of pure creative intelligence and creative intelligence as complementary aspects of the same entity. [ back ] 10 In addition to the ascription of activity to creative intelligence as an entity, the textbook ascribes activity to certain qualities of creative intelligence. The specific qualities of creative intelligence are the means through which creative intelligence "expresses itself." T at 258, 13. For example, the textbook states that "[t]he functioning of creative intelligence is such that under similar circumstances, similar results occur.... There is something definite; nothing is random, and it is this specific value of creative intelligence that automatically carries out evolution everywhere." T at 64. "The progressive and evolutionary qualities of creative intelligence are at the basis of all growth everywhere; they continually propel life on increasing steps of progress towards the fullness of life." T at 42. "[T]he functioning of the orderly quality of [creative intelligence] reveals the intelligence governing individual and cosmic life." T at 60. "Creative intelligence is precise and truthful.... It is this precise quality of creative intelligence that structures the finer levels of existence and unfolds the truth of life to our awareness." T at 72. "The precise and truthful qualities of creative intelligence direct the growth of everything in nature with precision and exactness." T at 80. "[T]he precise quality of creative intelligence structures with minute detail all the manifest expressions of life, while the truthful quality of creative intelligence provides the nonchanging platform from which these changing expressions arise." T at 82. "It is this efficient quality of creative intelligence that kindly and effortlessly guides everything to its goal in the fullness of life." T at 108. "The harmonizing and diversifying qualities of creative intelligence enable every thing in nature to fulfill its own specific role while contributing to the harmonious functioning of the whole." T at 140. "The integrative quality of creative intelligence promotes the progress and evolution of all values of life--physical and non-physical, abstract and concrete." T at 170.Throughout creation there is the expression of life, and underneath there is stability. The wide range of variety in creation is based on the nonvariable unity of existence, intelligence. To be able to put the changing and nonchanging aspects of life together--this is the integrative quality of creative intelligence.
T at 172. "The generous and economical qualities of creative intelligence endlessly and precisely give and give and give until every aspect of life is full to overflowing." T at 206. "The generous and economical qualities of creative intelligence provide abundance of wealth with precision in every bit of life." T at 213. Through Transcendental Meditation, "[t]he clean and purifying qualities of creative intelligence cleanse the body, senses, mind, and heart simultaneously." T at 224. "The liberating and responsible qualities of creative intelligence make each diverse expression of life grow freely within the dignity of its own individual structure." T at 238. "The creative and traditional qualities of creative intelligence provide patterns of change through which everything quickly progresses to the fullness of life." T at 240. "The holistic and fulfilling qualities of creative intelligence bring fulfillment to life by enabling us to perceive the fullness of life in every individual expression of life." T at 258. [ back ]