The Roberts Group
We are "The Roberts Parents Group". We are the families of children who have disappeared in the last twenty-five years, and we don't know where they are. We do know they've been lured away from us by a nomadic, bible based cult , who forsake their families, possessions, and all of society, to wander the streets of our cities and states, witnessing to other unsuspecting children, and recruiting them to their group. If your child has disappeared, and you don't know where to start, or you suspect cult activity, you might find them in
Since this group goes by many names, for simplicity sake, we will refer to them in this document as, "the Roberts group. We will refer to the parents of the children as "The Roberts parents group."
This document will address three major issues. Number one, what our children were like before they entered the cult. Number two, a general discussion and description of cult life. And number three, the unknown brothers and sisters.
We will also provide resources for any of you who recognize any of the unknown brothers and sisters, or suspect your child or loved one is a member of the cult.
If you recognize a child or a loved one on these pages, or if you suspect your child or loved one is a part of this cult, we empathize with you. We know the pain you feel, and deeply regret you are a part of our group. On the other hand, we'd like to welcome you to our fellowship. We've been brought together from all parts of the country by an unfortunate twist of fate. Our sorrow is the same. Our common sorrow taken in total, has given us a new strength to make it through the day, one day at a time, and given us the hope that we'll be reunited with the loved ones that were snatched out of our lives.
We hope this page serves many purposes. First and foremost, we hope to be an aid to the families of the Roberts Group who don't know where there children are. Second, we hope to expose Jim Roberts for what he is. Third, we hope this might be an aid in helping us find our children. And finally, we hope readers of this page might be forewarned of the group.
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