Kropinski's List of TM Casualties
In 1986, Robert Kropinski filed "Answers to Defendants'
Interrogatories--John Doe I" with Judge Gasch of the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia as part of his civil suit
We do not know whether all of Kropinski's allegations are accurate. We do know that the court found his case compelling -- Kropinski was awarded a settlement in the significant six-figures.
Our Editor personally knew victims #2 and #8
and can verify these stories. Victim #4 is well known
throughout the TM
movement. We have every reason to believe that these -- and the 30 other stories that Kropinski
claims to have documented -- are true.
How could such scandal be kept quiet for so long? You may know that the allegations of violence from
within Scientology only surfaced 10 to 15 years after they began. We suspect that the TM movement is
following a similar timeline. Who knows what stories
will surface as true TM insiders begin to abandon the faltering movement?
We invite TranceNet readers to submit similar incidents to us. One of the most powerful weapons
against the alleged abuses of Scientology has been the list of 300
suicides maintained by FACTNet. Let's accomplish as much to stop the
abuses of TM.
Reprinted below from publicly available court records is the text of Robert Kropinski's "Answer to
Interrogatory #40." As
they say, not one word has been changed or omitted, with one exception. We have
deleted the victims' names
in the interest of their and their families' privacy. They have suffered enough.
and addresses are available to responsible parties -- as judged solely by the editors -- from the original court documents.
We believe these cases represent just the tip of the iceberg of TM casualties. We are maintaining a list
of all documented
cases. If you know of similar incidents, please email us.
Interrogatory No. 40
State each and every instance of emotional and/or psychological injury arising from the practice of
T.M. and the Sidhis
that plaintiff claims or believes supports allegation 28 (for John Doe I, II and IV) of plaintiffs'
complaint or allegation 27
(for John Doe III, VI, Vi and Jane Doe) of plaintiffs' complaint and for each such instance, give the
a. The name and last known address of the person suffering emotional or psychological
b. The date, time and place said injury was suffered;
c. The facts and circumstances surrounding the claimed injury;
d. The facts upon which plaintiff relies or which plaintiff claims supports his or her contention
that defendants
knew or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known of said instances.
The following is a short list of incidents which have occurred to other TM practitioners. Our research
into reported
incidents is continuing and we will continually update our findings.
[Victim #1]
Chairman of the MIU Philosophy Department, the Ad board and student counselor. Advisor to Bevan
Morris. [Victim #1]
was a respected member of the faculty of MIU. [Victim #1] was actively engaged in soliciting
participants to engage in
sadistic and masochistic activities with men on the campus of MIU. [Victim #1] advertised in local
newspapers and wrote
articles for magazines and periodicals which specialized in these activities. His special interest was
discovering the true
meaning of a "master disciple relationship." He invited individuals to urinate and defecate on him
while he begged to be
[Victim #2]
Worked on staff at Livingston Manor NY. The directors of the Academy were aware of her
recommended she continually
take repeated SCI courses. Because she was wealthy and influential the advisory board at Livingston
Manor finally
approved her for a teacher training course. While attending her course in France she became
hysterical and threw herself
off of a balcony and was found dead by the teacher training course leaders. These leaders later were
advised by the TM
movement not to mention the incident.
[Victim #3], Fairfield Iowa.
[Victim #3] is a housewife and a member of the TM community in Fairfield, Iowa. [Victim #3] was
experiencing mental
difficulties from her practice of the sidhis. One afternoon, she was seen leaving the dome dazed. She
later poured gasoline
over her head and ignited herself becoming a human torch. She remains disfigured, and crippled from
the incident.
[Victim #4], Los Angeles, California
The former wife of Dr. Keith Wallace lived in the TM center in Los Angeles. She was under the
personal guidance of MMY
and was permitted to live in the center with MMY's personal permission. In a hallucination while
practicing the TM-Sidhi
program she felt an older woman was drawing energy from her body preventing her from levitating.
She purchased a gun
and shot the woman during their practice of TM Sidhis.
[Victim #5], Long Island, NY
Attempted to take the TM Sidhi program while on [sic] living on Long Island. The local center
refused to recommend her
to take the Sidhi program because of her history of mental instability. She left Long Island and took
the Sidhi program in
California. Later she returned to the same Long Island Center and proceeded to practice the Sidhi
program with the same
people who refused to recommend her. They never disallowed her to practice at the local center. Her
mental condition
continued to deteriorate while practicing TM and the Sidhis. She murdered her mother shooting her
to death after
practicing the Flying technique at the local center.
[Victim #6], Long Island, NY
After attending an extended rounding course in Europe [Victim #6] in a fit of severe depression
severed his testicles, slit
his wrists and throat with broken glass. The teahers [sic] in the Long Island area knew of this
incident. [Victim #6] is an
active member of defendants organizations and has been instrumental in helping organize large
assemblies in the
Washington D.C.
[Victim #7]
During an "Executive Governor" training course in Europe a group of ladies have reported that one
woman threw herself
out of a window after hallucinating. The other course participants were told by TM movement
representatives not to
report the incident or discuss the incident after returning home. This group followed their
instructions until recently.
[Victim #8]
Director of MIU-Press at the ASCI-NY facility was housed in a padded room from 1974-1976. During
this period he would
howl, scream and continually threw himself into walls only during his practice of TM.
[Victim #9]
A teacher of TM and a course participant during my AEGTC course, [Victim #9] was asked to leave
the Fairfield
community by representatives of the movement after being caught molesting children.
[Victim #10]
Promised by Mahesh and the TM organization that a four year graduate of MIU would be enlightened
consciousness[sic]) and would be incapable of making mistakes by the time he received his BA
degree, [Victim #9]
attended MIU. After returning to the Philadelphia area to work, [Victim #9] was last seen walking
downtown in womens
clothing. He has become a professed transvestite and is undergoing psychotherapy.
[Victim #11]
The defendants also were aware of a [n] MIU professor, employed by the defendants organizations,
who administered
thorazine by injection when handling meditators who had a severe reaction to the practices. The
organization itself was no
stranger to the use of powerful sedatives by injection to control "freak outs" during courses. In one
case Mahesh ordered
one of his own private secretaries drugged and placed in an assylum[sic] in order to keep her quiet.
She had threatened
to expose the organization and its practices.
[Victims #12]
There is no question the movement knew of these incidents and numerous others. My own review of
files in La Antilla, the
results of rounding courses in Majjorca[sic], Spain and Fiuggi, Italy confirmed these same disastrous
consequences for
many individuals. Additionally administrators of MIU are aware of incidents like the student who
jumped through a plate
glass window, the staff member who couldnt[sic] be found and was later discovered in a dumpster,
the student president
who proclaimed he was Arjuna and was sent home, and they are aware of the individuals involuntary
[sic] committed to
local mental institutions. They have witnessed and experienced for themselves the courses in which
everyone was
screaming, shaking and convulsing. They have had their own employees administer thorzine[sic] by
injection to 'freak
outs." They know and have known of students, former students and course participants who after
leaving MIU or other
movement facilities later committed suicide.
The movement has been repeatedly put on notice regarding these instances and chose to ignore the
hard cold fact that
these practices are dangerous.
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