TranceNet: A Partial List of Organizations
Linked to TM and The Maharishi
Here are the groups we know of for certain. However, readers should be aware that new groups have been spawning at an incredible rate in the last few years.
"blackball2.GIF" Maharishi (anything)
"blackball2.GIF" Age of Enlightenment (anything)
"blackball2.GIF" Heaven on Earth (anything)
"blackball2.GIF" Natural Law Party (anything)
- "blackball2.GIF"World Government of the Age of Enlightenment
- Maharishi Foundation, Ltd.
World Plan Executive Council - U.S. (WPEC-US) (now largely defunct)
International Meditation Society
Students International Meditation Society
American Association for Ideal Education
American Foundation for the Science of Creative Intelligence (probably defunct)
American Meditation Society (now defunct)
TM Centers (now defunct)
Spiritual Regeneration Movement Foundation (1959)
- "blackball2.GIF"Publishing
- Age of Enlightenment Press
MIU Press
MUM Press
A number of "scholarly journals" with "Vedic" in the title
Age of Enlightenment News (failed magazine)
- "blackball2.GIF"Schools - Colleges - Universities
- Maharishi International University, renamed Maharishi University of Management
- Institute for Law, Consciousness and the Science of Creative Intelligence (1979)
Institute of World Leadership (1983)
Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy
Maharishi Institute of Management
MIU College of Natural Law (now defunct -- was licensed by the DC Educational Institution Licensure Commission)
Maharishi European Research University, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Maharishi University of Natural Law, Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire England
Maharishi Vedic Universities
Maharishi Ayur-Vedic University
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment
Maharishi Vedic Schools
Age of Enlightenment Schools
- "blackball2.GIF"Centers & Informal Groups
- Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, World Plan Center, the local TM center
Ideal Village Council
Sidha Village
Association of Executive Governors
- "blackball2.GIF"Non-profit Corporations
- Global Television, Inc. - Former owner of KSCI(TV), Channel 18, San Bernadino (Los Angeles), CA
- "blackball2.GIF"For-profit Corporations and Projects
- Maharishi Ayur-Veda Products Inc, Lancaster, Massachusetts, USA
Lancaster Foundation
Maharishi Heaven on Earth Development Corporation
American City Project
- "blackball2.GIF"Politics
- Natural Law Party (in all developed countries)
Maharishi European Council of Natural Law Parties

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