On Promises & Lies
Let's talk about promises:
Maharishi promised to teach me a simple, effortless technique with
absolutely no mental or physical side effects.
He lied.
MMY promised I would never need to learn another technique to realize
all the benefits of TM.
He lied.
MMY promised that I would never have to learn a philosophy, join a
religion, change my lifestyle, learn weird physical exercises, change my
diet, and so forth.
He lied.
MMY promised me enlightenment in 5 to 7 years.
He lied.
MMY promised that as a teacher I would be representing the highest good
that mankind has ever known and contribute to the enlightenment of
He lied.
MMY promised to teach me to fly.
He lied.
MMY promised me eternal life.
He lied.
MMY promised that if I continued to volunteer my labor for the good of
the TM movement, all my material needs and desires would be fulfilled.
He lied. In fact, he stole when he rescinded the thousands of dollars of
TM course credit that I worked 70 hour weeks to earn as a "volunteer" at
one of his numerous academies.
MMY promised me that the puja and mantras I used to teach my family
meditation were not religious in nature.
He lied.
MMY swore he represented an ancient teaching passed down from his Master
and his Master before that.
He lied.
MMY promised to enlighten the world.
He lied.
MMY walked away with $3.5 billion dollars.
I walked away with a fistful of character assasination.
The score hardly seems even.

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